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Lil Wayne

How Old is Lil Wayne?

Lil Wayne's is 35 years old, as of today, and his birthday is September 27th, 1982.

Lil Wayne's age is one of the things that has made his career so impressive. To have had so much success on such a massive scale before his 30th birthday, Weezy will always be looked at as a legend in rap.

lil wayne age birthday

Anytime you have trouble remembering how old Lil Wayne is, just remember this classic line from Leather So Soft:

"It was 9/27... '82, baby due, Charity Hospital, a.k.a. the City Zoo."
Check out the classic line below: <iframe src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

Lil Wayne's age is still impressive today, even at the age of almost 35. He's accomplished more in his career by his mid thirties than most artists do before 50. And to have a roster of successful signees that he's personally groomed be just as successful? That's something most artists only dream about. Jay-Z may have J. Cole and Rihanna on his label, but the success that Nicki Minaj and Drake have had under Weezy are unmatched by any major star of the past decade.

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Let's hope that maybe this year for Lil Wayne's 35th birthday we can get a taste of the Carter 5 as a much delayed birthday present.

Again, it's so impressive to think about how old Lil Wayne is, considering that the ages of all the "new school" stars who have come up after him are roughly in the same range. The fact that Weezy still has 5 years to put out a few more classic albums before he even turns 40?! That's really incredible.